The Deadnotes are Eugene Carchesio, Stuart Busby and Leighton Craig, from Brisbane in Queensland, Australia. Armed with an arsenal of trumpet, guitar, drums, casio & vocal moans, the trio make glorious, semi-spontaneous eccentric pop music that’s drawn comparisons (rightly or wrongly) to the likes of Ennio Morricone, Maher Shalal Hash Baz, The Magic Band, Moondog and even The Minutemen. Since their formation in 2005, the band has written and recorded hundreds of miniature odes to this & that, some of which have seen release in limited CDR editions on Craig’s Kindling imprint. The 30 tracks that comprise Orange Trumpet, the trio's defining statement, are amongst their earliest creations. A jaunty melancholy that echoes Tenniscoats & The Grow-Up, is present throughout, regardless if the boys are shuffling thru haunted dirges, garage-y workouts, or other points in between. Carshesio's classic recordings as DNE are undeniably a touchtone here as well...
The Legend(!)ary Everett True said the following about The Deadnotes:
“[W]hat attracted me to this band on first sight – trained in the “school of error” as practised by Maher Shalal Hash Baz and all those other naive orchestral delights, accomplished keyboards man Leighton Craig of the firm belief that where drummers went wrong was when they first started crossing their arms over – is what still attracts me to them: belief, brevity, melody, resonance, a fondness (acquired from having lived through it) for the early 80s post-Go-Betweens/early Fall mannerisms of derelict Brisbane nightclubs. Stuart Busby not only wields a trumpet like Brighton’s own Alistair Strachan (Hamilton Yarns, Crayola Lectern) but understands the absolute necessity of controlling (or not controlling) the sound. Guitarist/drummer Eugene Carchesio – an accomplished, exhibited visual artist in his own right – much favours the “play once, move on” approach to creating and inventing new songs that can’t help attract simple me. One of Eugene’s favourite musicians is Jad Fair. How can I argue with that?
…. Too often noise musicians deliberately eschew melody – as if to admit for a fondness for such is a weakness. The Deadnotes are as unreconstructed and wilfully abstract as the most experimental among us, but at the heart of the music is (usually) a melody, a structure, a beating heart.”
Orange Trumpet is released in an edition of 400 numbered LP copies with full color jackets, and may be purchased here.
The band have a few gigs in Brisbane this weekend -
08/28 - Brisbane, QLD - The Step Inn
(with The Legend!, Kitchen's Floor, Alps)
08/30 - Brisbane, QLD - Tidy Art Space
(with The Legend!, Yout Dem)
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